CT Scan


Hospital has recently acquired a new 16 slice CT Scan Machine of Min Found make Scintcare 16 E model to replace its old 1 slice Toshiba make Asteion KG spiral CT Scan. New CT Scan Machine is capable of performing Whole Body scanning (plain and contrast) including Brain, Chest, Abdomen and Extremities with 3D reconstruction. Machine is also equipped to perform Angiographies except Coronary Angiography.


Hospital has also commissioned Toshiba make “Excel Art Vantage 1.5 Tesla Multi planner Technique Machine”. Machine is capable of performing Whole Body MRI Scanning (plain and contrast) including Brain, Neck, Abdomen, Whole Spine ,Joints and Extremities. It can also perform MRCP (Magnetic Resonance Cholengiopancreatography), Angiogram and Venograms (except cardiac MRI).
