Wards & Rooms

We have a variety of options for accommodation of patients, relatives and caregivers.

Multibed Room


MGM CBD has made Multi-bed rooms available with 3-4 beds per room. Steps are taken to maintain patient privacy while allowing patients to benefit from more economical tariffs and making all other amenities such as dedicated wardrobes, television, etc available.

Twin sharing Room

This is a ‘same gender’ shared accommodation for two patients. Both the beds are partitioned with a curtain to maintain patient privacy. The twin room is equipped with a television, telephone, wardrobe and basic amenities for each patient. An attendent sofa-bed is also provided for each patient.


Single Room


Single room is designed to meet all the basic requirements for a single patient with accommodation for one attendant. These are 304 sq.ft rooms provide ample space for both the patient and the attendant and are designed with large windows for natural light. Our rooms embrace the spirit of India and combine it with the frontiers of global technology.
